BEFORE YOU READ this is about 95% accurate to the visual novel version but i changed some wording/phrasing while working it in. its mostlu just slight wording/phrasing changes though, the general flow+ideas are the same for reference: NZN - NAZUNA NTM - NATSUME KEI - KEITO ------------------------------------------------------------------- Really, Nazuna should be used to this by now. Sure, he never knew the specifics of what Natsume was up to, but he knew the general gist of it. As for Leo, he had to deal with him plenty of times during school, along with the other four eccentrics. He should by all means be used to it all, yet the fear that struck his heart when he saw his two roommates working together was indescribable. NZN: What are you two doing? LEO: Nazu! Leo greeted him cheerfully, either ignoring or not noticing the look of worry on Nazuna's face. Natsume, meanwhile, continued whatever he was doing. LEO: We're making decaffeinated Red Bull! NZN: You're what? The answer seemed innocent enough, but he knew better. NTM: We're planning to feed this concoction to HasuMI. LEO: And that's where you come in! NZN: Excuse me? LEO: Keito won't let either of us into his dorms, so we need you to sneak in and plant the Redbull in for us! NZN: But why me? I'm not that close with Keito-chin. NTM: He rooms together with Hajime-kun, does he nOT? NZN: Ah. NZN: Wait, I didn't even agree to help you two?! LEO: Damn. I guess we have to find another way to give it to him then. It was an offhand comment, yet it caused Nazuna to freeze up. To what extents would they go to for their prank? NZN: Actually. I'll help you two. NZN: It's just decaffeinated right? Nothing else done to it? LEO: Yep! NTM: Do you trust us that little, Bunny-senpAI? NTM: Don't worry, it won't be dangeroUS. NTM: ProbabLY. NZN: What do you mean probably?! NTM: What I have over here is an attempt to recreate the drink through mixing of artificial flavourings and other thinGS. NTM: This will likely not be poisonous, howevER. NTM: I have an experiment waiting in my lab, which uses a more direct method of making decaffeinated Redbull by extracting the caffeine. NTM: That one might be dangerous, but I will take precautions to make sure it is edibLE. NZN: I see... NZN: What's gonna happen to Keito-chin after he drinks it? LEO: He'll pass out! LEO: I think. NZN: You think? LEO: That guy runs on caffeine, so I thought he'd like crash or something if we took it out. LEO: Also! Leo goes to look for something, before returning with a glass jar of ground coffee. LEO: Can you swap his coffee with this too? It's the brand he uses, but decaffeinated! NZN: You two are going all out on this, huh? NTM: I'm nOT. He IS. NTM: I'm only making the Redbull to cause a bit of chaOS. LEO: And because I'm paying you. NTM: That too. Nazuna lets out a sigh. ---NEXT DAY LEO: Nazu! You're back! NZN: ...? He was confused on why he was so excited to see him until he noticed the three glasses on the table. NZN: Huh. Well, that's the first time I've seen Redbull in a glass. I always thought it would be... Red. NZN: I'm guessing you two want me to taste test? NTM: I see you catch on quickLY. NTM: Go on, take a sIP. I assure you they are safe to driNK. NZN: The fact that you had to state that isn't very reassuring. Regardless, Nazuna tried a sip from all three glasses. NZN: Mn... NZN: I can't taste any difference. LEO: That means it worked! Leo high fives Natsume. Or, tries to. Natsume just stares at him for a bit before nonchalantly returning the gesture. NZN: Do I give it to him now or...? NTM: Of course nOT. It's not even canned yET. NZN: Canned? Are you planning on putting this in an actual can? NTM: Of courSE. How else are we going to pull this oFF? NZN: You said Leo-chin was the only one who was going all out in this, but- NTM: I do not like putting out half-baked worKS. LEO: Awww, Nattsu cares about our little project~ NTM: I will strike you down where you staND. ---A few days later. NZN: I'm back. NTM: That was quiCK. LEO: Did you give it to him? Nazuna shows him his empty hands and a thumbs up. LEO: How did you do it? NZN: I just gave it to him. LEO: You just gave it to him? NZN: Well, yeah. NZN: He was there, so I just told him it was from you and handed it to him. LEO: And he didn't suspect anything? NZN: I don't think he would expect you to recreate decaffeinated Redbull and then place it in a really well-made imitation can. NZN: Speaking of which, how did you get those done, Natsume-chin? Natsume had a smug grin on his face. NTM: A magician never reveals his secreTS. LEO: Hm... Fair enough. LEO: You think he'll blame me when he passes out from lack of caffeine? NZN: Not unless he figures out the Redbull is decaffeinated, no. NTM: I suppose all we can do is sit back and waIT. ---The next day. It was a relatively normal day in the dorms. Nazuna was doing schoolwork, Leo was composing and Natsume was gaming. No shenanigans in sight. Ping! Natsume paused his game to check his messages. There was a small pause before he started laughing uncontrollably. LEO: Nattsu? Did something happen? Unable to speak, Natsume simply handed Leo his phone. LEO: WAHAHA! This is perfect! LEO: Inspiration! It’s come ☆ As Leo scrambled for the nearest set of writing materials, Nazuna scrambled to get some papers. NZN: Don't write on the walls again! After handing Leo some papers, he went to take a look at what Natsume was sent. The younger boy had mostly regained his composure by now, but was still giggling slightly. On his phone was a text message from Tsumugi, a video captions with "Is this why you wanted me to record today's meeting?" ---VIDEO KEI: Today we will be... Discussing... Keito was trying to explain the plan for that day's meeting. His voice was slurred slightly, and his actions sloppier than normal. It was clear that the lack of caffeine was taking a toll on him. KEI: So then- THUNK! --- Natsume broke into another fit of laughter. Nazuna was trying not to laugh but he couldn't help himself. NZN: I-I hope- He's okay! He was trying his best to speak through his giggles. LEO: He should be fine! NZN: Oh, are you done with composing already? LEO: Yep! I'm calling it "Song that came to me when I watched Keito conk out from lack of caffeine"! NZN: Wonderful naming sense as usual. NTM: TruLY. Are you planning on releasing iT? LEO: Oh definitely. NZN: Well, if it's Leo-chin I'm sure the song is good even if it has... Questionable origins. NZN: You'd probably have to change that name though. LEO: Really? I think this name is pretty eye-catching though. NTM: You want Hasumi to find out what we were up tO? LEO: Oh yeah. LEO: Fuck.